
Design & Interpretation for Exhibitions and MuseumsDesign et Interprétation pour Expositions et Musées

Arnaud Déchelle

Architect & Scenographer, Museum & Exhibition Designer  - Architecte et Scénographe, Concepteur d'Expositions et de Musées

Museum Projects - Projets Musées

Legacy Gallery at POLIN, Museum of the History of Polish Jews - Warsaw - 2020
British Museum - London - Egyptian Sculpture Gallery - 2015

For more on Museum Projects

click on the images on the right

or go to the Museo page

Exhibition Projects - Projets Expositions

3D Printing, the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful - NCCD Sleaford - 2018
Amy Winehouse a Family Portrait - Jewish Museum London - 2013

For more on Exhibition Projects

click on the images on the right

or go to the Expo page 

Scenography Projects - Projets de Scénographie go to Sceno

Immersive experience 'Urban Ghost' in East London found site - 1997

Architecture Projects - Projets d'Architecture go to  Archi

Competition entry for a multimedia kiosk for the Athens Olympics - 2002